Lovi Mehrotra & Associates was registered in the year 1989 at New Delhi. Over the years branches were established at Mumbai-Maharashtra ( 1997), Jaipur-Rajasthan (2005) and , Pune-Maharashtra( 2005) . The firm also has associate offices at Kolkata since 2000 and Bangalore since 2004. The network of branches and associate offices enables the firm to render services to its valued clients which comprise of corporate houses with multi-location presence and other clients across various industry segments .

The firm has a team of committed professionals striving constantly to render quality services to its valued clients. The team comprises of chartered accountants, semi qualified staff and article assistants pursuing their CA course. The team also includes MBAs and qualified company secretaries.

The leadership is provided by the Core team of the firm which comprises of senior members, some of whom have been with the firm since the initial years of its formation. The firm meets the challenges of the profession by continuously upgrading itself with the varied and ongoing professional developments and changes at all times and also by providing a platform of learning for the team members. Training of team members is given due importance and is undertaken on a continuous basis. Participation in professional seminars is encouraged for all levels of team members. Compliance with structured and unstructured learning requirements of the ICAI is mandatory for all professional members.

To update our clients on all significant developments in respect of Taxation and Regulatory matters , monthly newsletters are sent out. The Tax news letter deals with important notifications/circulars issued during the month by Tax authorities in respect of Direct and Indirect Taxation and the Regulatory News Letter deals with circulars and notifications issued by MCA on company law matters by RBI on FEMA related matters and by SEBI in respect of the Capital market related matters.
These News letters are available on our Website
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